The narrative of Wallace and Gromit short 'The Wrong Trousers", according to Todorov's theory, starts with an equilibrium. This means everything is going as planned, as Wallace and Gromit went about every day life.

However this equilibrium is then disrupted when a penguin comes to stay in Wallace and Gromit's house. The penguin starts to take power in the house and uses a pair of robotic trousers to control Wallace and use him to steal diamonds.

Gromit then moves out and a quest to restore the equilibrium begins as he follows the penguin around and realises what his master plan is.

The narrative then continues until to a climax when Wallace and Gromit realise what the Penguin is doing and a chase ensues around their house to try and get the diamond back. 

Equilibrium is then restored when Wallace and Gromit catch the Penguin and turn him in for his crimes. Life goes back to normal.

The evil is the penguin vs the good which is Gromit

The penguin is dishonest v Gromit who is honest


  1. A great start Rufus! You have clearly understood the stages of Todorov's narrative!

    Could you redraft this into paragraphs which more directly answer the question: How is Wallace & Gromit engaging the audience?


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